Always different
More space More freedom
Just more than others
Players are inspiring us
ROPE ADVENTURE ARENA – this ropes path could be tried by adults and also by childs with age greater than 5 years.
First of all, you need to have a team of at least 10 players. If you do have no team, give us a call and we’ll do our best to find another team for you to join, thus forming a larger team.
The minimum number of players in a team is 10 (5X5), and the maximum number of team players is 150 people (if this is the case, we shall organize a tournament between teams).
Once you have a well-formed team, you make a decision upon the date and start time for your game. The game start time depends on the day you choose and the amount of players. Monday to Friday, the game organizer may choose any time, from 10:00 to 18:00. If the game is to take place in weekend, there are three rounds to choose from, where the first begins at 9:30 or 10:00 and lasts until 13:30, the second round lasts since 14:00 till 17:30, and the third takes place since 18:00 till 20:30.
Once you’ve discussed possibilities with your team and came to a unilateral decision about the date and time, give us a call and make your reservation. The reservation made by phone is considered preliminary and requires a confirmation an advance payment.
Advance payment for a game is 100 MDL per person and can be paid both in Chisinau at our office (str. Puskin no. 22, Casa Presei building, of. 547A) and at the game site in the forest.
There is an important aspect about the advance payment to keep in mind. For example, you make an advance payment of 1000 MDL for 10 players, and just 5 or 7 of them show up for the game (i.e. just part of the team). Please note that we shall not refund the payment of 100MDL/person for those players, who are not present at the game (the amount is deemed a penalty).
For example, 13 players have registered for a game, and some of them are not sure, whether they can join the game or not. The game organizer may make an advance payment for 10 players and notify us that the number of players may reach 13. We take note of this fact, and you make payment for the additional players on the spot. Warning: The amount of possible additional players to your team should not exceed 5 people!
To get to the play site, you can choose the following options:
When you go to a paintball game, you should keep in mind the following:
Services can be paid by individuals with cash.
Legal entities can pay by transfer to the payment account, the details on which they can get when making the reservation. The transfer price remains the same, and we provide a tax invoice.
Children aged 10 years or more are allowed to play on the territory of our club.
Of course, we allow spectators to come. If you are organizing a child’s birthday party, and the parents of your guests want to witness the game or stay with you, there is no problem. Parents can have some delicious barbeque, while their children are having fun on the “battle field”. The same works for adults. If men decide to have some fun, their wives and girlfriends can join them as the cheerleaders.
The important thing is that the distance between the players and spectators does not exceed 50%.
Dacă doriți să organizați o petrecere pe cinste,fie o zi de naștere, team building sau o petrecere a burlacilor, atunci Commandos este locul ideal de organizare a unui astfel de eveniment.
Așa cum terenul nostru este situat în inima pădurii, veți avea oparte nu doar de paintball, dar și de aer curat și peisaje pitorești care înconjoară terenul nostru.
Avînd un teritoriu foarte mare, cubul oferă tuturor jucătorilor și oaspeților săi zone de odihnă, care includ foișoare și terase în care Dvs. puteți să vă odihniți după joacă, preparînd ceva gustos la grătar, aceste terase se oferă absolut gratuit tuturor echipelor, se achită doar ustensilele pentru frigarui, costul lor este de 100 lei ( grătarul, plasa sau ace pentru carne, evantai pentru gratar și un vas pentru gheață).
În atenția companiilor care vor să organizeze un team building distractiv și memorabil, pentru angajații săi, aducem la cunoștință faptul că oferim fiecărui client corporativ, tot setul de documente necesar pentru companie, iar plata serviciilor poate fi efectuată și prin transfer.La fel oferim clienților noștri și club carduri care vă oferă posibilitatea să beneficiați de reduceri și bonusuri din partea clubului.
Noi vă punem la dispoziție o gamă largă de echipamente și accesorii, antrenori profesioniști, un staff prietenos și experimentat gata să vă deservească în orice clipă.
Încredințaține petrecere Dvs. iar noi vom avea grijă ca ea să fie plină de adrenalină și momente de neuitat.
For an intense and full with adrenaline game you need a team of at least 10 people. Games are organized only on the basis of a prior reservation to avoid the risk of lack of available battlefields. You can check our prices and offers or book your reservation at 079071071 or simply book now by clicking on the button below.